COMPETENT. Practice Dr. Tschebiner

Prevention / Anti-Aging-Medicine / Hormone Lab

Prevention or anti-aging medicine means to recognize disorders and changes in time, this will let you live longer and better. In the context of holistic prevention, it is recommended to regularly check important organ systems and metabolic functions of our body already from the age of 40 in women and men. This is the only way to detect and treat risk situations at an early stage, thus keeping you healthy and resilient for longer.

Even if you do not feel ill, holistic preventive care with individual risk prediction is possible and useful. This is done by examining various organ systems and a blood analysis of important internistic parameters as well as certain hormones. If disorders are detected, your performance can be increased and your quality of life sustainably improved through appropriate lifestyle changes and treatment.

I have acquired my qualifications and experience in years of professional training and practice in the field of preventive and anti-aging medicine parallel to gynecology, and have continued to pursue them.