COMPETENT. Practice Dr. Tschebiner
Pregnancy Plus
More safety for your baby
Examinations that provide more safety for your baby in the course of your pregnancy – by monitoring the progress of the child’s development and ruling out various diseases.
Toxoplasmosis (blood) – transmitted through contact with cat feces, but also through the consumption of raw meat and raw sausage, usually passes without symptoms.
Cytomegalovirus (blood) – cold-like viral infection, often unnoticed and dangerous to the unborn.
Vitamin D (blood) – osteoporosis, diabetes and cancer. As a vitamin and pro-hormone, it plays an important role in many processes in the body. Despite sun exposure, 60% of all people have vitamin D deficiency. Before taking vitamin D, it is advisable to determine the level of vitamin D in the blood, especially during pregnancy!
First trimester screening – A detailed ultrasound examination and measurement of the fetal nuchal fold as well as a simultaneous blood test in the mother show the individual, statistical risk for the most common chromosomal disorders in pregnancy (trisomy 21, 18 and 13). The detection rate is approximately 90%.
Non-invasive prenatal test (NIPT) – determination of fetal DNA from the mother’s blood to detect trisomy 13,18 and 21 and numerical maldistribution of sex chromosomes X and Y in the child. The detection rate is over 99%.
Strep B vaginal smear – recommended between weeks 35 and 37 to prevent the dreaded “newborn sepsis” at birth.
3/4D Ultrasound – (if medically indicated) Fascinating views of your child through three-dimensional imaging in the womb. Photos and films on CD. The best time for this is between the 15th and 25th week of pregnancy. You can book an appointment for a 3D ultrasound directly online here.